On the spectrum of mid-latitude sporadic-E irregularities
On the stability of a very dense deuterium-tritium plasma ball
On the stability of perpendicular electrostatic modes in stationary nongyrotropic plasmas
On the stability of perpendicular particle drifts in cold magnetoplasmas
On the stability of stationary nongyrotropic distribution functions: Coupling and purely growing waves
On the statistics of edge fluctuations: comparative study between various fusion devices
On the systematics of line ratios along the helium isoelectronic sequence
On the temperature anisotropy of the core part of the proton velocity distribution function in the solar wind
On the temporal evolution of red sprites: Runaway theory versus data
On the theory of Alfvén waves in the solar wind
On the Theory of Relativistic Strong Plasma Waves
On the thermal noise 'temperature' in an anisotropic plasma
On the thermodynamics of the plasma sheet
On the transition between the Weibel and the whistler instabilities
On the transport of charged particles in turbulent fields: comparison of an exact solution with the quasilinear approximation
On the transport of pick-up ions in the heliosphere: A compendium of new analytical solutions
On the use of PDF schemes to parameterize sub-grid clouds
On the velocity distributions of dust-related inner-source pickup ions
On the Wake Structure in Streaming Complex Plasmas
On the width-amplitude inequality of electron phase space holes