On the origin of chaotic behavior in the 2/1 Kirkwood Gap
On the origin of cosmological magnetic fields by plasma instabilities
On the origin of fluctuations in the cusp diamagnetic cavity
On the origin of flux dropouts near geosynchronous orbit during the growth phase of substorms 1. Betatron effects
On the origin of high m magnetospheric waves
On The Origin of High-Energy Electrons in Cusp Diamagnetic Cavities
On the origin of pulsar radiation
On the origin of radial magnetic fields in the heliosphere
On the origin of sporadic keV ion injections observed by Interball-Auroral during the expansion phase of a substorm
On the origin of the energetic ion events measured upstream of the Earth's bow shock by STEREO, Cluster, and Geotail
On the origin of the ion-electron temperature difference in the plasma sheet
On the Particle Acceleration at Parallel Shocks
On the physics of relativistic double layers
On the possibility of existence of large amplitude waves around pulsars
On the possibility of metamaterial properties in spin plasmas
On the Problem of Self-Organization in Magnetized Plasmas
On The Procedure Of Examination Of Instability Of The Shock Front Relatively Acousto-Gravitational Perturbations
On the propagation of transversally small-scale standing Alfven waves in a three-dimensionally inhomogeneous magnetosphere
On the propagation times and energy losses of cosmic rays in the heliosphere
On the quantum statistics of bound states within the Rutherford model of matter