On The Kinetic Stage Of Instability Of The Electron Beam - Solar Wind Plasma System
On the law of isorotation and laboratory experiments
On the linear and nonlinear resistive tearing-mode instabilities
On the Location of Reconnection on the Dayside Magnetopause
On the magnetic topology of October/November 2003 events
On the Meteor Height from Forward Scatter Radio Observations
On the MHD load and the MHD metage
On the multispacecraft determination of periodic surface wave phase speeds and wavelengths
On the mutual effect of ion temperature gradient instabilities and impurity peaking in the reversed field pinch
On the Nature of a Large-Amplitude Alfven Wave Measured by the WIND Spacecraft
On the nature of the plasma equilibrium
On the nature of three-dimensional magnetic reconnection
On the nonadiabatic precipitation of ions from the near-Earth plasma sheet
On the nonlinear instability of thermal structures
On the number of independent adiabatic invariants for gyrating particles
On the occurrence and spatial extent of electron precipitation induced by oblique nonducted whistler waves
On the occurrence of Balmer spectra in expanding microplasmas from laser irradiated liquid hydrogen
On the occurrence of ground observations of ELF/VLF magnetospheric amplification induced by the HAARP facility
On the opportunity of spectroscopic determination of absolute atomic densities in non-equilibrium plasmas from measured relative intensities within resonance multiplets distorted by self-absorption
On the origin and configuration of the 20 March 2003 interplanetary shock and magnetic cloud at 1 AU