On the generation of cusp HF backscatter irregularities
On the generation of magnetic fields due to ponderomotive forces in astrophysical plasmas
On the generation of proton beams in fast solar wind in the presence of obliquely propagating Alfvén waves
On the generation of shock pairs in the solar wind
On the generation of totem pole emissions
On the Hamiltonian formulation of incompressible ideal fluids and magnetohydrodynamics via Dirac's theory of constraints
On the hydromagnetic model of comets
On the importance of antiparallel reconnection when the dipole tilt and IMF By are nonzero
On the importance of auroral processes in the Universe
On the impossibility of wave generation due to plasma motion in the weakly inhomogeneous magnetic field of pulsars
On the Inadmissibility of Non-evolutionary Shocks
On the influence of the initial pitch angle distribution on relativistic electron beam dynamics
On the influence that the ground electrode diameter has in the propulsion efficiency of an asymmetric capacitor in nitrogen gas
On the interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with the breaking plasma waves
On the Interaction of the Solar Wind with Unmagnetized Planets
On the inverse cascade of magnetic helicity
On the ion-tearing instability of forced current sheets
On the ionization equilibrium of hot hydrogen plasma and thermodynamic-consistency of formulating finite internal partition functions
On the jets, kinks, and spheromaks formed by a planar magnetized coaxial gun
On the kinetic dispersion relation for shear Alfvén waves