Langmuir waves in a fluctuating solar wind
Langmuir waves observed by S/WAVES in the solar wind: nonlinear effects of the inhomogeneous plasma
Langmuir Waves of the August 18, 2010 Solar Radio Burst
Langmuir waves upstream of interplanetary shocks: Dependence on shock and plasma parameters
Langmuir-soliton origin of the infrared emission of the pulsar Np0532
LAPTAG, Encouraging High School students to Consider Physics Related Careers
LAPTAG: Los Angeles Physics Teachers Alliance Group and the UCLA Basic Plasma User Facility.
Large 6300-A airglow intensity enhancements observed in ionosphere heating experiments are excited by thermal electrons
Large amplitude perturbations and waves at the duskside LLBL of the magnetopause generated by an interplanetary tangential discontinuity on December 7, 2000
Large amplitude solitary waves in ion-beam plasmas with charged dust impurities
Large amplitude whistlers in the magnetosphere observed with Wind-Waves
Large amplitude, extremely rapid, predominantly perpendicular electric field structures at the magnetopause
Large electric potential perturbations in PMSE during DROPPS
Large loop thermal models of solar hard X-ray bursts
Large loop thermal models of solar hard X-ray bursts
Large negative lunar surface potentials in sunlight and shadow
Large parallel electric fields in the upward current region of the aurora: Evidence for ambipolar effects
Large Scale Spheromak for Magnetic Shielding of Spacecraft
Large, abrupt pressure decreases as a substorm onset trigger
Large-<formula>m waves generated by small-<formula>m field line resonances via the nonlinear Kelvin-Helmholtz instability