Low-frequency electric microfield distributions in a plasma containing multiply-charged ions - Extended calculations
Low-frequency electromagnetic turbulence observed near the substorm onset site
Low-frequency electromagnetic waves near and below the proton cyclotron frequency at the AMPTE Ba release: Relevance to comets and Mars
Low-frequency electrostatic waves in dusty plasmas
Low-frequency Hall current instability in a dusty plasma
Low-Frequency Instability of Linearly and Circularly-Polarized-Microwave-Field Produced Plasmas
Low-frequency oscillations and transport processes induced by multiscale transverse structures in the polar wind outflow: A three-dimensional simulation
Low-frequency plasma conductivity in the average-atom approximation
Low-frequency surface waves in a structured magnetized dusty plasma
Low-frequency waves and instabilities in stratified, gyrotropic, multicomponent plasmas: Theory and application to plasma transport in the Io torus
Low-frequency waves in the near-Earth plasma sheet
Low-frequency whistler waves and shocklets observed at quasi-perpendicular interplanetary shocks
Low-latitude dayside magnetopause and boundary layer for high magnetic shear 1. Structure and motion
Low-latitude dayside magnetopause and boundary layer for high magnetic shear 2. Occurrence of magnetic reconnection
Low-latitude measurements of neutral thermospheric helium dominance near 400 km during extreme solar minimum
Lower bound for electron core beta in the solar wind
Lower hybrid cavities in the inner magnetosphere
Lower hybrid drift wave turbulence and associated electron transport coefficients and coherent structures at the magnetopause boundary layer
Lower hybrid oscillations in multicomponent space plasmas subjected to ion cyclotron waves
Lower hybrid wave cavities detected by the FREJA satellite