High-brilliance synchrotron radiation induced by the plasma magnetostatic mode
High-enthalpy, water-cooled and thin-walled ICP sources characterization and MHD optimization
High-frequency Alfvén waves in multi-ion coronal plasma: Observational implications
High-frequency extensions of magnetorotational instability in astrophysical plasmas
High-frequency turbulence in the cosmic plasma
High-frequency type II radio emissions associated with shocks driven by coronal mass ejections
High-level spacecraft charging in eclipse at geosynchronous altitudes: A statistical study
High-Mach number collisionless shock and photo-ionized non-LTE plasma for laboratory astrophysics with intense lasers
High-order modes of left-handed electromagnetic waves in a solar-wind-like plasma
High-pressure two temperature equations of state
High-quality ion beams by irradiating a nano-structured target with a petawatt laser pulse
High-quality ion beams from a nanometric double-layer target and their application to hadron-therapy
High-quality proton bunch from laser interaction with a gas-filled cone target
High-resolution MHD simulation of magnetic reconnection
High-Resolution Numerical Simulations of Breakout Coronal Mass Ejections
High-velocity evaporation during the impulsive phase of the 1984 April 24 flare
High-voltage antenna-plasma interaction in whistler wave transmission: Plasma sheath effects
High-voltage interactions in plasma wakes: Results from the charging hazards and wake studies (CHAWS) flight experiments
High-voltage interactions in plasma wakes: Simulation and flight measurements from the Charge Hazards and Wake Studies (CHAWS) experiment
High-voltage polar-orbit and beam-induced charging of a dielectric spacecraft: A wake-induced barrier effect mechansim