Drift-mirror instability in a curved magnetic field
Drift-shell splitting of energetic ions injected at pseudo-substorm onsets
Drifting airglow patches in relation to tail reconnection
Drive Modeling and Characterization for Solid-State Instability Experiments on the Nova Laser
Drive symmetry experiments with phased beams on Nova.
Driven magnetic field reconnection
Driven reconnection and self-organization
Driven transverse shear waves in a strongly coupled dusty plasma
Drivers of chorus in the outer dayside magnetosphere
Driving a physical ionospheric model with a magnetospheric MHD model
Dst index in the 2008 GEM Modeling Challenge - Model performance for Moderate and Strong Magnetic Storms
Dual cascade of kinetic and magnetic energy in MHD turbulence
Dual equilibrium in a finite aspect ratio tokamak
Dual Observations of Interplanetary Shocks Associated with Stream Interaction Regions
Dual Periodicity in the Rotational Modulation of Saturn Narrowband Emissions
Dual-spacecraft observations of standing waves in the magnetosheath
Dust acoustic wave in a strongly magnetized pair-dust plasma
Dust charging on surfaces
Dust charging processes in the nonequilibrium dusty plasma with nonextensive power-law distribution
Dust Devil Dynamics