Double-relativistic-electron-shell laser proton acceleration
Double-Shell Capsule Implosions at NOVA and OMEGA
Draping of the local interstellar magnetic field over the heliopause
Dreicer order ambipolar electric fields at Parker's steady state solar wind sonic critical point
Dressed test particles, oscillation centres and pseudo-orbits
Dressed-particle approach in the nonrelativistic classical limit
Drift kink instability in the current sheet with a kappa-distribution
Drift Lagrangian for relativistic particle in intense laser field
Drift mirror instability in space plasmas: 2. Nonzero electron temperature effects
Drift mirror instability revisited: 1. Cold electron temperature limit
Drift of Charged Particles in a solar wind background magnetic field
Drift ordered short mean free path closure
Drift rate of the South Atlantic Anomaly
Drift resonant generation of peaked relativistic electron distributions by Pc 5 ULF waves
Drift shell bifurcation near the dayside magnetopause in realistic magnetospheric magnetic fields
Drift wave turbulence in a dense semiclassical magnetoplasma
Drift wave turbulence in the presence of a dust density gradient
Drift Wave versus Interchange Turbulence in Tokamak Geometry: Linear versus Nonlinear Mode Structure
Drift wave-zonal flow dynamics
Drift-Alfven vortex structures in the edge region of a fusion relevant plasma