Quantum mechanism helps agents combat "bad" social choice rules
Quantum social networks
Quantum Structure in Cognition: Why and How Concepts are Entangled
Quantum theory as a tool for the description of simple psychological phenomena
Quarantine generated phase transition in epidemic spreading
Queue-length synchronization in a communication networks
Quickest Paths in Simulations of Pedestrians
Radiological and Nuclear Security in A Global Context
Random acyclic networks
Random and Longest Paths: Unnoticed Motifs of Complex Networks
Random copying in space
Random drift versus selection in academic vocabulary: an evolutionary analysis of published keywords
Random graph models for directed acyclic networks
Random hypergraphs and their applications
Random matrix ensembles of time-lagged correlation matrices: Derivation of eigenvalue spectra and analysis of financial time-series
Random Matrix Filtering in Portfolio Optimization
Random Networks with given Rich-club Coefficient
Random Topologies and the emergence of cooperation: the role of short-cuts
Random trading market: Drawbacks and a realistic modification
Random walk, cluster growth, and the morphology of urban conglomerations