Past Performance as Predictor of Successful Grant Applications: A Case Study
Past performance, peer review, and project selection: A case study in the social and behavioral sciences
Patent Classifications as Indicators of Intellectual Organization
Path lengths, correlations, and centrality in temporal networks
Pathlength scaling in graphs with incomplete navigational information
Pattern Formation, Social Forces, and Diffusion Instability in Games with Success-Driven Motion
Patterns of cooperation: fairness and coordination in networks of interacting agents
Pavlovian Prisoner's Dilemma in one-dimensional cellular automata: analytical results, the quasi-regular phase, spatio-temporal patterns and parameter space exploration
Pedestrian Dynamics With Event-driven Simulation
Peer review and journal models
Peer review in context
Peer-review in a world with rational scientists: Toward selection of the average
Peer-review in the Internet age
Penrose voting system and optimal quota
Percolate or die: Multi-percolation decides the struggle between competing innovations
Percolation in Interdependent and Interconnected Networks: Abrupt Change from Second to First Order Transition
Performance-related differences of bibliometric statistical properties of research groups: cumulative advantages and hierarchically layered networks
Persistence and Uncertainty in the Academic Career
Persistence in Random Bond Ising Models of a Socio-Econo Dynamics in High Dimensions
Phase change in an opinion-dynamics model with separation of time scales