On the growth of primary industry and population of China's counties
On the Mutual Coefficient of Restitution in Two Car Collinear Collisions
On the Normalization and Visualization of Author Co-Citation Data Salton's Cosine versus the Jaccard Index
On the origin of the Epps effect
On the pinning strategy of complex networks
On the prevalence and scientific impact of duplicate publications in different scientific fields (1980-2007)
On the relation between structural diversity and geographical distance among languages: observations and computer simulations
On the relationship between interdisciplinarity and scientific impact
On the reliability of voting processes: the Mexican case
On the rich-club effect in dense and weighted networks
On the rise and fall of networked societies
On the Role of Zealotry in the Voter Model
On the shoulders of students? The contribution of PhD students to the advancement of knowledge
On the Stability of Community Detection Algorithms on Longitudinal Citation Data
On the strategy frequency problem in batch Minority Games
On the structural properties of small-world networks with finite range of shortcut links
On The Structure of Competitive Societies
On the topology of the world exchange arrangements web
On the transition to efficiency in Minority Games
On the Unfathomableness of Consciousness by Consciousness: Why do physicists widely agree on the assured extent of their professional knowledge, but not so philosophers? An exchange of letters with Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker