Modeling Connectivity in Terms of Network Activity
Modeling correlated human dynamics
Modeling Crowd Turbulence by Many-Particle Simulations
Modeling Evolving Innovation Networks
Modeling fractal structure of city-size distributions using correlation function
Modeling hierarchical structures - Hierarchical Linear Modeling using MPlus
Modeling Human Dynamics with Adaptive Interest
Modeling innovation by a kinetic description of the patent citation system
Modeling long-range memory trading activity by stochastic differential equations
Modeling Metropolis Public Transport
Modeling of flows with the power-law spectral densities and power-law distributions of flow's intensities
Modeling of pedestrian movement around 90 and 180 degree bends
Modeling Policy and Agricultural Decisions in Afghanistan
Modeling power grids
Modeling real spatial networks
Modeling scientific-citation patterns and other triangle-rich acyclic networks
Modeling self-organization of communication and topology in social networks
Modeling Society with Statistical Mechanics: an Application to Cultural Contact and Immigration
Modeling Stop-and-Go Waves in Pedestrian Dynamics
Modeling the clustering in citation networks