Simulation of space acquisition process of pedestrians using Proxemic Floor Field Model
Simulation study of traffic accidents in bidirectional traffic models
SIR dynamics in structured populations with heterogeneous connectivity
Size matters: some stylized facts of the stock market revisited
Sleepless in Seoul: `The Ant and the Metrohopper'
Slower is faster: Fostering consensus formation by heterogeneous intertia
Small But Slow World: How Network Topology and Burstiness Slow Down Spreading
Small world yields the most effective information spreading
Small-world behavior in time-varying graphs
Small-world spectra in mean field theory
Soccer matches as experiments: how often does the 'best' team win?
Social Aggregation as a Cooperative Game
Social applications of two-dimensional Ising models
Social Behaviour of Agents: Capital Markets and Their Small Perturbations
Social Complexity: can it be analyzed and modelled?
Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities
Social Dilemmas and Cooperation in Complex Networks
Social dilemmas in an online social network: the structure and evolution of cooperation
Social diversity and promotion of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game
Social dynamics with peer support on heterogeneous networks: The "mafia model"