Science shops: A kaleidoscope of science-society collaborations in Europe
Science,technology and society
Scientific and Financial Performance Measure : A Simultaneous Model to Evaluate Scientific Activities
Scientific Communication and Cognitive Codification: Social Systems Theory and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
Scientific comparison of Mozart and Salieri
Scientific Culture and Its Role in International Negotiations
Scientific evaluation of Charles Dickens
Scientometrics and the evaluation of European integration
Scoring Strategies for the Underdog: A general, quantitative method for determining optimal sports strategies
Search of Weighted Subgraphs on Complex Networks with Maximum Likelihood Methods
Searching for Communities in Bipartite Networks
Second-Order Assortative Mixing in Social Networks
Sector analysis for a FTSE portfolio of stocks
Seeding for pervasively overlapping communities
Seeking the best Internet Model
Selection of dynamical rules in spatial Prisoner's Dilemma games
Selection of noise level in strategy adoption for spatial social dilemmas
Self-affine Fractals Embedded in Spectra of Complex Networks
Self-affirmation model for football goal distributions
Self-Assembly of Information in Networks