Stock mechanics: predicting recession in S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ
Strategies for fast convergence in semiotic dynamics
Strategy bifurcation and spatial inhomogeneity in a simple model of competing sellers
Stratified economic exchange on networks
Stratospheric Albedo Modification by Aerosol Injection
Street centrality vs. commerce and service locations in cities: a Kernel Density Correlation case study in Bologna, Italy
String theory, the crisis in particle physics and the ascent of metaphoric arguments
String Theory: An Evaluation
Strong correlations between text quality and complex networks features
Structural and Dynamical Patterns on Online Social Networks: the Spanish May 15th Movement as a case study
Structural constraints in complex networks
Structural Evolution of the Brazilian Airport Network
Structural Inference of Hierarchies in Networks
Structural preferential attachment: Network organization beyond the link
Structural preferential attachment: Stochastic process for the growth of scale-free, modular and self-similar systems
Structural Properties of Planar Graphs of Urban Street Patterns
Structural properties of spatially embedded networks
Structurally dynamic spin market networks
Structure and Evolution of the World Trade Network
Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks