Finite size effects in the dynamics of opinion formation
Finite-Time Singularity Signature of Hyperinflation
Firm Projects, NPV and Risk
Fisher-information and the thermodynamics of scale-invariant systems
Fitness-driven deactivation in network evolution
Fixation and escape times in stochastic game learning
Fixation and Polarization in a Three-Species Opinion Dynamics Model
Fixed points in models of continuous opinion dynamics under bounded confidence
Flavor network and the principles of food pairing
Floridian high-voltage power-grid network partitioning and cluster optimization using simulated annealing
Flow graphs: interweaving dynamics and structure
Flow improvement caused by agents who ignore traffic rules
Flow of emotional messages in artificial social networks
Fluctuation of the download network
Fluctuation scaling in complex systems: Taylor's law and beyond
Fluctuation scaling versus gap scaling
Fluctuation-driven capacity distribution in complex networks
Fluctuations and Long-Term Stability: from Coherence to Chaos
Focusing of opinions in the Deffuant model: First impression counts
Folksonomies and clustering in the collaborative system CiteULike