X-ray evolving universe spectroscopy mission (XEUS)
X-ray evolving universe spectroscopy mission (XEUS): narrow-field imaging high-resolution spectrometer instrument: I
X-ray evolving universe spectroscopy mission (XEUS): narrow-field imaging high-resolution spectrometer: II (1 to 10 keV)
X-ray evolving universe spectroscopy mission (XEUS): requirements of the x-ray focal plane instruments
X-ray evolving universe spectroscopy mission (XEUS): x-ray mirror design and technology
X-ray Flashes and Their Relation to Gamma-Ray Bursts
X-ray fluorescence analysis based on Kumakhov optics
X-ray flux concentrating optics for improving the performance of light element energy dispersive spectroscopy
X-ray focusing using microchannel plates
X-ray focusing using microchannel plates
X-Ray Grating Interferometry for Phase-Contrast Imaging and Optics Metrology Applications
X-ray image reconstruction from a diffraction pattern alone
X-ray imaging and adaptive optics system for a 13.5nm telescope
X-ray imaging and spectroscopic performance of the JET-X telescope on the Spectrum X-Gamma
X-ray imaging at the diffraction limit.
X-ray imaging based on Kumakhov polycapillary systems for the hard x-ray region
X-ray imaging glass micro-pore optics
X-ray imaging II; Proceedings of the Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug. 21, 22, 1986
X-ray imaging optics in Japan (Invited Paper)
X-ray imaging spectrometers for Astro-E: ground calibration in the soft x-ray range