Switching teraherz waves with gate-controlled active graphene metamaterials
SWUIS-A: a versatile low-cost UV/VIS/IR imaging system for airborne astronomy and aeronomy research
SXI prototype mirror mount
SXI Prototype mirror mount
SXRP - An X-ray polarimeter for the SPECTRUM-X-Gamma mission
SXRP. A focal plane stellar X-ray polarimeter for the SPECTRUM-X-Gamma mission.
Symbol of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator in 2D diffraction problems with large wavenumber
Symmetric lens with extended depth of focus
Symmetric nulling coronagraph based on a rotational shearing interferometer
Symmetrically weighted center of gravity for Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing on a laser guide star
Symmetries of Optical Phase Conjugation
Symmetry Analysis of ZnSe(100) Surface in Air By Second Harmonic Generation
Symmetry and the generation and measurement of optical torque
Symmetry breaking and manipulation of nonlinear optical modes in an asymmetric double-channel waveguide
Symmetry breaking and multi-hump solitons in inhomogeneous gain landscapes
Symmetry breaking of optical vortices: Birth and annihilation of singularities in the evanescent field
Symmetry in halo displays and symmetry in halo-making crystals
Symmetry, degeneracy and optical confinement of modes in coupled microdisk resonators and photonic crystal cavities
Symplectic and Lie algebraic techniques in Geometric Optics
Synchronization and multi-mode dynamics of mutually coupled semiconductor lasers