Observation of femto-joule optical bistability involving Fano resonances in high-Q/Vm silicon photonic crystal nanocavities
Observation of flat band for terahertz coupled plasmon in metallic kagomé lattice
Observation of fractional charge of (1/3)e on matter
Observation of global 160-min infrared /differential/ intensity variation of the sun
Observation of Goos-Hänchen shifts in metallic reflection
Observation of high-order polarization-locked vector solitons in a fiber laser
Observation of higher-order solitons in defocusing waveguide arrays
Observation of intrinsic size effects in the optical response of individual gold nanoparticles
Observation of lattice waves through observation of the photoluminescence Blinking in InGaN Quantum Well devices
Observation of magnetooptic resonances in Cd/x/Hg/1-x/Te by a photoconductivity method
Observation of Multiphoton-induced Fluorescence from Nano Graphene Oxide and Its Applications in In vitro and In vivo Bioimaging
Observation of noise phase locking in a single-frequency VECSEL
Observation of Nonlinear Mode in a Cylindrical Fabry-Perot Cavity
Observation of OAM sidebands due to optical reflection
Observation of optical spatial solitons in a highly nonlocal medium
Observation of opto-mechanical multistability in a high Q torsion balance oscillator
Observation of persistent photoconductivity in bulk Gallium Arsenide and Gallium Phosphide samples at cryogenic temperatures using the Whispering Gallery mode method
Observation of polarization domain wall solitons in weakly birefringent cavity fiber lasers
Observation of purerotational absorption spectra in the n2 band of hotH2O in flames
Observation of Scarred Modes in Asymmetrically Deformed Microcylinder Lasers