Obscura telescope with a MEMS micromirror array for space observation of transient luminous phenomena or fast-moving objects
Observable effects caused by vacuum pair creation in the field of high-power optical lasers
Observation and characterization of mode splitting in microsphere resonators in aquatic environment
Observation and interpretation of fast sub-visual light pulses from the night sky
Observation de la transition interdite 61S0-3P0 pour l'isotope pair du mercure 202Hg dans un champ magnetique
Observation of 2nd band vortex solitons in 2D photonic lattices
Observation of a gradient catastrophe generating solitons
Observation of a push force on the end face of a nm fiber taper exerted by outgoing light
Observation of a stronger-than-adiabatic change of light trapped in an ultrafast switched GaAs-AlAs microcavity
Observation of all-optical bump-on-tail instability
Observation of an exceptional point in a chaotic optical microcavity
Observation of anisotropic diffusion of light in compacted granular porous materials
Observation of asymmetric spectrum broadening induced by silver nanoparticles in a heavy-metal oxide glass
Observation of backscattering-immune chiral electromagnetic modes without time reversal breaking
Observation of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization with BICEP
Observation of discrete gap solitons in binary waveguide arrays
Observation of Doppler-like redshift due to light interaction with matter
Observation of dressed intra-cavity dark states
Observation of emission from chaotic lasing modes in deformed microspheres: displacement by the stable orbit modes
Observation of Enhanced Beaming from Photonic Crystal Waveguides