Low-light-level charge-coupled device imaging in astronomy
Low-light-level charge-coupled devices for pyramid wavefront sensing on 8 m class telescopes: what actual gain?
Low-Light-Level Optical Interactions with Rubidium Vapor in a Photonic Bandgap Fiber
Low-loss criterion and effective area considerations for photonic crystal fibers
Low-loss flake-graphene saturable absorber mirror for laser mode-locking at sub-200-fs pulse duration
Low-loss grating for coupling to a high-finesse cavity
Low-loss Materials for high Q-factor Bragg Reflector Resonators
Low-loss photonic crystal fibers for transmission systems and their dispersion properties
Low-loss surface modes in metamaterial waveguides
Low-mass Binaries in the Galactic Halo Resolved by Adaptive Optics
Low-noise adaptive optics for gravitational wave interferometers
Low-noise on-chip frequency conversion by four-wave-mixing Bragg scattering in SiNx waveguides
Low-noise, high-efficiency optics design for ALMA receivers
Low-order aberration sensitivity of an optical vortex coronagraph
Low-Order Adaptive Deformable Mirror
Low-order adaptive optics and single-mode fibers in stellar interferometry
Low-order adaptive optics compensation for a low-contrast extended object
Low-order adaptive optics experiment on 3.5-m telescope at the Starfire Optics Range
Low-order AO system in LAMOST
Low-order wavefront sensing in tomographic multi-beacon adaptive optics systems