LEST dynamics: a simulation
LEST: the large Earth-based solar telescope.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A 2 m stroke optical fibre delay line
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Correspondence of classical and quantum irreversibilities
Levitated droplet dye laser
LEWIS: a cross-dispersed spectrograph for the 3-um region
LGS adaptive optics and integral field spectroscopy
LGS AO at W.M. Keck Observatory: routine operations and remaining challenges
LGS AO operations at the W.M. Keck Observatory
LGS AO photon return simulations and laser requirements for the Gemini LGS AO program
LGS implementation for NAOS
LGS Na spot elongation and Rayleigh scattering effects on Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor performances
LGS Polarimetry and Integral Field Spectroscopy of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
LGS wavefront sensing using adaptive beam projectors
LGS-AO: the making of a star for astronomy.
LGSAO Imaging of STEPS Astrometric Candidates
LGSF operational problems management at La Silla Paranal Observatory
Lick Adaptive Optics Companion Search around Nearby Solar-type Stars
Lick Adaptive Optics Observations of Early-Type Galaxy Centers
Lick adaptive optics survey searching for low-mass companions to young, nearby stars