Launch telescope for astronomical adaptive optics
Launch, assembly, and growth: drivers in giant-class space telescope design (A)
Layer Oriented multi-conjugate adaptive optics systems: performance analysis by numerical simulations
Layer oriented: science with MAD and beyond
Layer-oriented MCAO projects and experiments: an update
Layer-oriented multigrid wavefront reconstruction algorithms for multi-conjugate adaptive optics
Layer-Oriented on paper, laboratory, and soon on the sky
Layer-Oriented Simulation Tool
Layer-oriented wavefront sensor for a multiconjugate adaptive optics demonstrator
Layer-oriented wavefront sensor for MAD: status and progress report
Layered synthetic microstructures - Properties and applications in X-ray astronomy
LBT adaptive secondary units construction: a progress report
LCOGT Imaging Capabilities
LCTSX: first on-orbit verification of a coherent optical link
LDR system concepts and technology
Le "Very Large Telescope" dans le contexte international.
Le aberrazioni ottiche.
Le polissage et le contrôle des miroirs du "Very Large Telescope" de l'"European Southern Observatory.
Leakage radiation microscopy of surface plasmon polaritons
Leaky modes of a left-handed slab