Laser-cooled neutral atom frequency standards
Laser-generated water plasma source for extreme-ultraviolet lithography and at-wavelength interferometry
Laser-guide-star wavefront sensing for TMT: experimental results of the matched filtering
Laser-guide-star-related activities at ESO
Laser-induced Damage Testing of Optics for the ALADIN Laser
Laser-Induced Fluorescence Excitation Spectroscopy of the Magnesium Oxide B 1 -A 1 system
Laser-induced radial birefringence and spin-to-orbital optical angular momentum conversion in silver-doped glasses
Laser-Induced Vibrational Frequency Shift
Laser-produced continua for absorption spectroscopy in the VUV and XUV
Laserdot Technology Improvement SAM 250 Adaptive Mirror, First Tests
Lasers for bio-optics
Lasers in astronomical spectroscopy-1
Lasers in astronomical spectroscopy-2
Lasing from a circular Bragg nanocavity with an ultra-small modal volume
Lasing from single, stationary, dye-doped glycerol/water microdroplets located on a superhydrophobic surface
Lasing in localized modes of a slow light photonic crystal waveguide
Lasing in metamaterial nanostructures
Lasing on the D_2 line of sodium in helium atmosphere due to optical pumping on the D_1 line (up-conversion)
Last progress concerning the design of the piezo stack M4 adaptive unit of the E-ELT
Last technology and results from the IOTA interferometer