Doppler-free spectroscopy in driven three-level systems
Doppler-Free Spectroscopy of Weak Transitions: An Analytical Model Applied to Formaldehyde
Doppler-Induced Dynamics of Fields in Fabry-Perot Cavities with Suspended Mirrors
Dose, exposure time, and resolution in Serial X-ray Crystallography
Double crystal multilayer x-ray monochromator
Double Diffraction White Light Imaging: First Results with Bidimensional Diffraction
Double Engine for a Nebula
Double grating interferometer with large lateral shear.
Double multilayer monochromator for harmonic rejection in the 5-to60-keV range
Double passing the Kitt Peak 1-m Fourier transform spectrometer
Double Planet Meets Triple Star
Double Resonance Nanolaser based on Coupled Slit-hole Resonator Structures
Double scattering of light from biophotonic nanostructures with short-range order
Double-pass measurement of human eye aberrations: limitations and practical realization
Double-passage imaging through a random phase screen using coherent illumination
Double-resonant extremely asymmetrical scattering of electromagnetic waves in periodic arrays separated by a gap
Doubly and triply coupled nanowire antennas
Doubly resonant optical nanoantenna arrays for polarization resolved measurements of surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Drag-Free Deep-Space Laser Ranging Missions for Fundamental Physics
Dramatic Shape Sensitivity of Directional Emission Patterns from Similarly Deformed Cylindrical Polymer Lasers