Distance dependence of the local density of states in the near field of a disordered plasmonic film
Distinctions and common features of two schemes of laser guide star formation
Distortion free pulse delay system using a pair of tunable white light cavities
Distortion of grating prisms, and their use in radial velocity determinations of astronomical objects with slitless field spectrographs
Distortion of grating prisms, and their use in radial velocity determinations of astronomical objects with slitless field spectrographs
Distortion of light beam and correction of adaptive optics in the atmosphere
Distortion of satellite photographs obtained by scanning systems
Distortion of three astrophotographic objectives.
Distortion-adjusting optical elements
Distortion-free tight confinement and step-like decay of fs pulses in free space
Distortionless eyepiece
Distributed actuator deformable mirror
Distributed control in adaptive optics: deformable mirror and turbulence modeling
Distributed imaging using compound eye sensors
Distributed read-out imaging devices for x-ray imaging spectroscopy
Disturbance of the airglow field in the thermosphere associated with the intrusion of large gas masses
Dither-based sensor for improved consistency of adaptive optics system
Diurnal and annual variations of astronomical refraction
Diurnal cycles of precipitation, clouds, and lightning in the tropics from 9 years of TRMM observations
Divergence of Dipole Sums and the Nature of Non-Lorentzian Exponentially Narrow Resonances in One-Dimensional Periodic Arrays of Nanospheres