Carousel interferometer
Carpet cloaking and Laplace transformation
Carpet cloaking on a dielectric half-space
Carrier-envelope phase shift caused by variation of grating separation
Carrier-to-noise ratio for an equal-gain coherent laser radar receiver array system: theory and experiment
Cartesian optics and the mastery of nature.
Cascaded generation of multiply charged optical vortices and spatiotemporal helical beams in a Raman medium
Cascaded interferometric imaging spectrometer
Cascaded Nondegenerate Four-Wave Mixing Technique for High-Power Single-Cycle Pulse Synthesis in the Visible and Ultraviolet Ranges
Cascading of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Photomechanical Optical Devices
Case Studies of Interacting QSO Host Galaxies
CASPEC and IUE - A perfect match
CASPEC observations of sdO stars - Are some sdOs lazy remnants from the AGB?
Cassegrain and Nasmyth adaptive optics systems of 8.2-m Subaru telescope
Cassegrain telescopes - Limits of secondary movement in secondary focusing
Cassegrain: un célèbre inconnu de l'astronomie instrumentale Cassegrain: a famous unknown of instrumental astronomy
Cassegrain: un célèbre inconnu de l'astronomie instrumentale Cassegrain: a famous unknown of instrumental astronomy
Cassegrainian Gregorian-type null correctors for surface measurements of radio telescope reflectors
Cassegrainian Telescope with an Afocal Setting
Cassini Imaging of the Opposition Effect in Saturn's Rings