Calibration of the first XMM flight mirror module: I. Image quality
Calibration of the first XXM flight mirror module: II. Effective area
Calibration of the Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array multilayer mirrors and XUV filters
Calibration of the Solar-B x-ray optics
Calibration of the spectra of selected stars. III - Atmospheric extinction in absolute spectrophotometry
Calibration of the static aberrations in an MCAO system
Calibration results for the AXAF flight contamination monitor
Calibration strategy and optics for ARGOS at the LBT
Calibration system for the JEM-EUSO mission
Calibrations of LSST Camera and Telescope Systems
CALISTO: the Cryogenic Aperture Large Infrared Space Telescope Observatory
Cambridge OH suppression instrument (COHSI): status after first commissioning run
CAMERA: a compact, automated, laser adaptive optics system for small aperture telescopes
Can 100-Gb/s QPSK Signal Locate Adjacent to Legacy 10-Gb/s OOK Signal without Guard-Band?
Can a single gradientless light beam drag particles?
Can Einstein's theory of gravitation be tested beyond the geometrical optics limit?
Can Lasers Play a Rôle in Planetary Defense?
Can liquid water profiles be retrieved from passive microwave zenith observations?
Can Maxwell's fish eye lens really give perfect imaging?
Can Maxwell's Fish Eye Lens Really Give Perfect Imaging? Part II. The case with drains