Balloon-borne far-IR spectroradiometer
Balloon-borne Infrared Telescope (BIRT) for far-infrared spectroscopy
Balloon-borne stratospheric far-IR spectral absorption measurements - The design of a solar telescope and high-resolution Michelson interferometer combination
Balloon-borne three-meter telescope for far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy
Balloon-borne ultraviolet stellar echelle spectrograph
Balloon-borne ultraviolet stellar echelle spectrograph
Band Edge Effects and Normal Mode Propagation in Waveguide Magnetophotonic Crystals
Band splitting and Modal Dispersion induced by Symmetry braking in Coupled-Resonator Slow-Light Waveguide Structures
Band structure and Bloch states in birefringent 1D magnetophotonic crystals: An analytical approach
Band structure and reflectance for a nonlinear one-dimensional photonic crystal
Band structure of a two dimensional metallic photonic crystal and the experimental observation of negative refraction in the microwave region
Band-limited image plane masks for the Terrestrial Planet Finder coronagraph: materials and designs for broadband performance
Bandgap properties of low index contrast aperiodically ordered photonic quasicrystals
Bandgap properties of two-dimensional low-index photonic crystals
Bandpass filters for use in the visible region
Bandstructure and optical properties of $α-LiIO_{3}$ crystal
Bandwidth comparison of photonic crystal fibers and conventional single-mode fibers
Bandwidth enhancement for parametric amplifiers operated in chirped multi-beam mode
Bandwidth limitations and dispersion in optical stellar interferometry
Bandwidth specification for adaptive optics systems