A low-resolution, GSa/s streaming digitizer for a correlation-based trigger system
A magnetically-driven piston pump for ultra-clean applications
A MAPS-based Digital Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the ILC
A measurement of Lorentz Angle of radiation-hard Pixel Sensors
A Measurement of Photon Production in Electron Avalanches in CF4
A measurement of the absolute neutron beam polarization produced by an optically-pumped 3He spin filter
A Method for Selecting Sensor Waveforms Based Upon Post-Selection Criteria for Remote Sensing Applications
A Method to check the Connectivity for the ATLAS TRT Detector
A model of the reflection distribution in the vacuum ultra violet region
A Modular Object Oriented Data Acquisition System for the Gravitational Wave AURIGA Experiment
A Monitor of Beam Polarization Profiles for the TRIUMF Parity Experiment
A Monolithic Filter Cavity for Experiments in Quantum Optics
A Monolithic Pixel Sensor in 0.15 micron Fully Depleted SOI Technology
A Monolithic Time Stretcher for Precision Time Recording
A Monte Carlo simulation of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory proportional counters
A Monte Carlo study of the fluctuations in Xe electroluminescence yield: pure Xe vs Xe doped with CH4 or CF4 and planar vs cylindrical geometries
A Multi Megawatt Cyclotron Complex to Search for CP Violation in the Neutrino Sector
A Multi-APD readout for EL detectors
A Multi-Chamber System for Analyzing the Outgassing, Deposition, and Associated Optical Degradation Properties of Materials in a Vacuum
A Multi-Channel THz and Infrared Spectrometer for Femtosecond Electron Bunch Diagnostics by Single-Shot Spectroscopy of Coherent Radiation