Silicon Photo-Multiplier radiation hardness tests with a beam controlled neutron source
Silicon photomultiplier arrays - a novel photon detector for a high resolution tracker produced at FBK-irst, Italy
Silicon photomultiplier timing performance study
Silicon Photomultipliers for High Energy Physics Detectors
Silicon Resonant Antenna
Silicon Sensors implemented on p-type substrates for high radiation resistance applications
Silicon Tracking DAQ
Simple acoustical technique for automated measurement of drift tube anode wire tension
Simple device for scanning image
Simple Front End Electronics for Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers
Simplified PMT Model
Simulated performance of a position sensitive radiation detecting system (COCAE)
Simulated Performance Of Algorithms For The Localization Of Radioactive Sources From A Position Sensitive Radiation Detecting System (COCAE)
Simulating SiD Calorimetry: Software Calibration Procedures and Jet Energy Resolution
Simulating the Charge Dispersion Phenomena in Micro Pattern Gas Detectors with a Resistive Anode
Simulation and Experimental Study of Plasma Effects in Planar Silicon Sensors
Simulation and hit reconstruction of irradiated pixel sensors for the CMS experiment
Simulation of a fine grained GEM used in the PixiE Experiment
Simulation of an All-Silicon Tracker
Simulation of Beam-Beam Background at CLIC