Short remarks on possible production of defects in low temperature semiconductor detectors for dark matter physics experiments
Shower Leakage Correction in a High Granularity Calorimeter
Si$Λ$ViO: A Trigger for $Λ$-Particles
SiD Letter of Intent
Signal and Noise Analysis in TRION -Time-Resolved Integrative Optical Fast Neutron Detector
Signal and noise simulation of CUORE bolometric detectors
Signal coupling and signal integrity in multi-strip Resistive Plate Chambers used for timing applications
Signal height in silicon pixel detectors irradiated with pions and protons
Signal modeling of high-purity Ge detectors with a small read-out electrode and application to neutrinoless double beta decay search in Ge-76
Signal Processing for Pico-second Resolution Timing Measurements
Signal propagation and spark mitigation in resistive strips read-outs
Significance Calculation and a New Analysis Method in Searching for New Physics at the LHC
SiLC simulation status report
SILEM : a new gaseous detector with integrated x-y readout plane
Silicon beamsplitter for Fourier transform spectroscopy at far infrared frequencies
Silicon Detectors for the Large Prototype TPC test setup at DESY
Silicon detectors for the next generation of high energy physics experiments: expected degradation
Silicon detectors: damage, modelling and expected long-time behaviour in physics experiments at ultra high energy
Silicon Drift Detector Readout Electronics for a Compton Camera
Silicon grisms for high-resolution spectroscopy in the near infrared