Progress towards the Detailed Baseline Design for the SiD Detector Concept
Progress with 6dF: a multi-object spectroscopy system for all-sky surveys
Progress with Particle Flow Calorimetry
Project to install roman pot detectors at 220 m in ATLAS
Proof of principle of a high-spatial-resolution, resonant-response gamma-ray detector for Gamma Resonance Absorption in 14N
Properties and Performance of Two Wide Field of View Cherenkov/Fluorescence Telescope Array Prototypes
Properties of a radiation-induced charge multiplication region in epitaxial silicon diodes
Properties of CsI(Tl) Crystals and their Optimization for Calorimetry of High Energy Photons
Properties of Pt Schottky Type Contacts On High-Resistivity CdZnTe Detectors
Proposal for a GHz count rate near-IR single-photon detector based on a nanoscale superconducting transition edge sensor
Proposal for a Hadron Blind Detector for PHENIX
Proposal for Cherenkov Time of Flight Technique with Picosecond Resolution
Proposal for measuring the quantum states of neutrons in the gravitational field with a CCD-based pixel sensor
Proposal for the realization of Santilli's comparative test on the gravity of electrons and positrons via a horizontal supercooled vacuum tube
Prospects for Searching Axion-like Particle Dark Matter with Dipole, Toroidal and Wiggler Magnets
Prospects in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Proton induced damage in LFS-3 and LFS-8 scintillating crystals
Proton Irradiation Experiment for the X-ray Charge-Coupled Devices of the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image mission onboard the International Space Station: I. Experimental Setup and Measurement of the Charge Transfer Inefficiency
Prototype of a Detector for Directional Measurement of the Cosmogenic Neutron Flux
Prototype of an angular-selective photoelectron calibration source for the KATRIN experiment