Optical detector systems of UVES: the echelle spectrograph for the UT2 Kueyen Telescope at the ESO Paranal Observatory
Optical Link ASICs for the LHC Upgrade
Optical Link of the Atlas Pixel Detector
Optical properties of bialkali photocathodes
Optical Readout in a Multi-Module System Test for the ATLAS Pixel Detector
Optical readout tracking detector concept using secondary scintillation from liquid argon generated by a thick gas electron multiplier
Optical Scattering Lengths in Large Liquid-Scintillator Neutrino Detectors
Optical Transition Radiation Monitor for the T2K Experiment
Optical vernier technique for in-situ measurement of the length of long Fabry-Perot cavities
Optics for a volume holographic grating spectrograph for the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope
Optimal configurations of filter cavity in future gravitational-wave detectors
Optimal control design of band-selective excitation pulses that accommodate relaxation and RF inhomogeneity
Optimal distribution of measurement time in single channel measurements
Optimal resolutions for IR spectroscopy through the OH airglow
Optimization and analysis of code-division multiplexed TES microcalorimeters
Optimization of a Langmuir-Taylor detector for lithium
Optimization of the Ballistic Guide Design for the SNS FNPB 8.9 A Neutron Line
Optimization of the Radiation Hardness of Silicon Pixel Sensors for High X-ray Doses using TCAD Simulations
Optimization of thermal noise in multi-loop pendulum suspensions for use in interferometric gravitational-wave detectors
Optimizing the Stark-decelerator beamline for the trapping of cold molecules using evolutionary strategies