Fragmentation studies of high energy ions using CR39 nuclear track detectors
Free electron lifetime achievements in Liquid Argon Imaging TPC
Free Running Single Photon Detection based on a negative feedback InGaAs APD
Free-Space Antenna Field/Pattern Retrieval in Reverberation Environments
Frequency doubling and stabilization of a Tm,Ho:YLF laser at 2051 nm to a high finesse optical cavity
Frequency of Positron Helicity Reversal
Frequency Scanned Interferometry for ILC Tracker Alignment
Frequency Scanned Interferometry for ILC Tracker Alignment
From Design to Production Control Through the Integration of Engineering Data Management and Workflow Management Systems
From x-ray telescopes to neutron scattering: using axisymmetric mirrors to focus a neutron beam
Front End CAMAC Controller for SLAC Control System
Front-End electronics and integration of ATLAS pixel modules
Front-End electronics configuration system for CMS
Front-end Electronics for the CALICE/EUDET Calorimeters
Functional characterization of irradiated 3D-DDTC pixel sensor prototypes fabricated at FBK
Fundamentals of Gas Micropattern Detectors
Further developments and tests of microstrip gas counters with resistive electrodes
Further Developments in Gold-stud Bump Bonding
Further progress in ion back-flow reduction with patterned gaseous hole-multipliers
Further studies of GEM performance in dense noble gases