Development of Photogrammetric Methods of Stress Analysis and Quality Control
Development of portable NMR polarimeter system for polarized HD target
Development of Readout ASIC for FPCCD Vertex Detector
Development of Readout Interconnections for the Si-W Calorimeter of SiD
Development of Shashlyk Calorimeter for KOPIO
Development of Single- and Double-sided Ladders for the ILD Vertex Detectors
Development of SNSPD System with Gifford-McMahon Cryocooler
Development of the Charge Particle Detector Based on CVD - Diamond
Development of Thick-foil and Fine-pitch GEMs with a Laser Etching Technique
Development of Tracking Detectors with industrially produced GEM Foils
Development of transparent silica aerogel over a wide range of densities
Development of ultra-light pixelated ladders for an ILC vertex detector
Development of Vertically Integrated Circuits for ILC Vertex Detectors
Development of wavelength shifter coated reflectors for the ArDM argon dark matter detector
Developments and the preliminary tests of Resistive GEMs manufactured by a screen printing technology
Developments for the IPNS Data Acquisition System Upgrade
Developments in Readout for Silicon Microstrip Sensors at a Linear Collider Detector
Developments of a 2D Position Sensitive Neutron Detector
Device modeling of superconductor transition edge sensors based on the two-fluid theory
Diamond Prototypes for the ATLAS SLHC Pixel Detector