Cosmic Ray Tests of the Prototype TPC for the ILC Experiment
Cost Effective Electronics for Proportional and Drift Chambers of 'EPECUR' Experiment
Coupling characterization and noise studies of the Optical Metrology System on-board the LISA Pathfinder Mission
Critical components in 0.14 THz communication systems
Cross section normalization in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV, with ALICE at LHC
Cross-breeding of a BEAR and a TIGER: the ultimate imaging Fourier transform spectrometer?
Cross-talk suppressed multi-anode MCP-PMT
Cryogenic avalanche detectors based on gas electron multipliers
Cryogenic Ion Trapping Systems with Surface-Electrode Traps
Cryogenic measurement of the optical absorption coefficient in sapphire crystals at 1.064(micro)m for the Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational wave Telescope
Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator using a low-vibration design pulse-tube cryocooler: First results
Cryogenic sapphire oscillator with exceptionally high long-term frequency stability
Cryogenic small-signal conversion with relaxation oscillations in Josephson junctions
Cryostat mechanism design and fabrication
Crystal vibration limit of nanoscale dynamic etalon. Rough estimate
Crystals for high-energy calorimeters in extreme environments
Crystals for high-energy calorimetry in extreme environments
CsI-THGEM gaseous photomultipliers for RICH and noble-liquid detectors
Currents Induced by Charges Moving in Semiconductor
Cutoff-Free Traveling Wave NMR