Construction of the first full-size GEM-based prototype for the CMS high-$η$ muon system
Contactless 2-dimensional laser sensor for 3-dimensional wire position and tension measurements
Contactless Electromagnetic Phase-Shift Flowmeter for Liquid Metals
Continually Working Multiwire Porous Detectors of Radiation
Contribution of high energy physics techniques to the medical imaging field
Contribution of nano-scale effects to the total efficiency of converters of thermal neutrons on the basis of gadolinium foils
Contributions of Cherenkov Light to the Signals from Lead Tungstate Crystals
Control System Design for the LIGO Pre-stabilized Laser
Controlling the Frequency-Temperature Sensitivity of a Cryogenic Sapphire Maser Frequency Standard by Manipulating Fe3+ Spins in the Sapphire Lattice
Coplanar stripline antenna design for optically detected magnetic resonance on semiconductor quantum dots
Coronagraph imager with adaptive optics (CIAO): description and first results
Correcting for Distortions due to Ionization in the STAR TPC
Correction due to finite speed of light in absolute gravimeters
Correction of non-linearity effects in detectors for electron spectroscopy
Correction of Optical Aberrations in Elliptic Neutron Guides
Correction of the energy scale nonlinearity in electromagnetic calorimeters with the pi0 two-photon decays
Correlation between radiation processes in silicon and long-time degradation of detectors for high energy physics experiments
Correlation of Beam Electron and LED Signal Losses under Irradiation and Long-term Recovery of Lead Tungstate Crystals
Cosmic Ray Muons Timing in the ATLAS Detector
Cosmic ray tests of a GEM-based TPC prototype operated in Ar-CF4-isobutane gas mixtures