BES3 time of flight monitoring system
Beyond the RICH: Innovative Photosensitive Gaseous Detectors for new Fields of Applications
Bias voltage Control of Avalanche Photo-Diode Using a Window Comparator
BiPo prototype for SuperNEMO radiopurity measurements
Bolometric calibration of a superfluid $^3$He detector for Dark Matter search: direct measurement of the scintillated energy fraction for neutron, electron and muon events
Branching Transport Model of Alkali-Halide Scintillators
Brief Studying of Oil Crust Thickness Measurement by Gamma Ray Compton Scattering Approach
Broadband magnetometry by infrared-absorption detection of nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond
Building a 3.5 m prototype interferometer for the Q & A vacuum birefringence experiment and high precision ellipsometry
Building blocks for future detectors: Silicon test masses and 1550 nm laser light
Building CMS Pixel Barrel Detectur Modules
Bulk etch rate measurements and calibrations of CR39 and Makrofol nuclear track detectors
Bulk Etch Rate Measurements and Calibrations of Plastic Nuclear Track Detectors