Frequentist Coverage Properties of Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals in the Presence of Background
Frequentist Evaluation of Intervals Estimated for a Binomial Parameter and for the Ratio of Poisson Means
Frequentist Hypothesis Testing with Background Uncertainty
From brain to earth and climate systems: Small-world interaction networks or not?
From Data to Probability Densities without Histograms
From Observations to Hypotheses: Probabilistic Reasoning Versus Falsificationism and its Statistical Variations
From Sigmoid Power Control Algorithm to Hopfield-like Neural Networks: "SIR" ("Signal"-to-"Interference"-Ratio)-Balancing Sigmoid-Based Networks- Part I: Continuous Time
From Sigmoid Power Control Algorithm to Hopfield-like Neural Networks: "SIR"-Balancing Sigmoid-Based Networks- Part II: Discrete Time
From time series to complex networks: the visibility graph
From Univariate to Multivariate Uncertainty Calculation
Fully Bayesian Unfolding
Functional dissipation microarrays for classification
Functional modularity of background activities in normal and epileptic brain networks