Fitness, chance, and myths: an objective view on soccer results
Fits, and especially linear fits, with errors on both axes, extra variance of the data points and other complications
Fitting a Sum of Exponentials to Numerical Data
Fitting function for asymmetric peaks
Fitting in a complex chi^2 landscape using an optimized hypersurface sampling
Flavour tag studies with the LCFIVertex package
Fluctuations and Pseudo Long Range Dependence in Network Flows: A Non-Stationary Poisson Process Model
Fluctuations in time intervals of financial data from the view point of the Gini index
Forecast and event control: On what is and what cannot be possible
Forecasting extreme events in collective dynamics: an analytic signal approach to detecting discrete scale invariance
Formalism for obtaining nuclear momentum distributions by the Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering technique
Forward Tracking in the ILD Detector
Fourier-Based Spectral Analysis with Adaptive Resolution
Fractal Analysis of River Flow Fluctuations (with Erratum)
Fractal and Multifractal Time Series
Fractal Descriptors Based on Fourier Spectrum Applied to Texture Analysis
Fractal Descriptors in the Fourier Domain Applied to Color Texture Analysis
Fractal scale-invariant and nonlinear properties of cardiac dynamics remain stable with advanced age: A new mechanistic picture of cardiac control in healthy elderly
Fragmentation of a viscoelastic food by human mastication
Frequency analysis of tick quotes on the foreign exchange market and agent-based modeling: A spectral distance approach