Charm Physics Performance Studies for PANDA
Chi-Square Tests for Comparing Weighted Histograms
CHICOM: A code of tests for comparing unweighted and weighted histograms and two weighted histograms
CHIWEI: A code of goodness of fit tests for weighted and unweighted histograms
Classes of complex networks defined by role-to-role connectivity profiles
Classification of interest rate curves using Self-Organising Maps
Classifying extremely imbalanced data sets
Closed Contour Fractal Dimension Estimation by the Fourier Transform
Clustering as a measure of the local topology of networks
CMS Data Analysis: Current Status and Future Strategy
Coherent Patterns in Nuclei and in Financial Markets
Collaboration in sensor network research: an in-depth longitudinal analysis of assortative mixing patterns
Collective behavior of coupled nonuniform stochastic oscillators
Collective Motion of Inelastic Particles between Two Oscillating Walls
Collective synchronization induced by epidemic dynamics on complex networks with communities
Combined first--principles calculation and neural--network correction approach as a powerful tool in computational physics and chemistry
Comment on "Including Systematic Uncertainties in Confidence Interval Construction for Poisson Statistics"
Comment on "Indispensable Finite Time Correlations for Fokker-Planck Equations from Time Series Data"
Comment on Barabasi, Nature 435, 207 (2005)
Comment on Wavelet Analysis and scaling properties of time series