Mobile Bipolarons in the Adiabatic Holstein-Hubbard Model in 1 and 2 dimensions
Mobile holes in frustrated quantum magnets and itinerant fermions on frustrated geometries
Mobile small polaron
Mobility gap in intermediate valent TmSe
Mobility-Dependence of the Critical Density in Two-Dimensional Systems: An Empirical Relation
Mode coupling induced dissipative and thermal effects at long times after a quantum quench
Model anisotropic quantum Hall states
Model Calculation of Electron-Phonon Couplings in a Dimer with a Non-Degenerate Orbital
Model for frustrated spin-orbital chains: application to CaV2O4
Model for spin coupling disorder effects on the susceptibility of antiferromagnetic nanochains
Model for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect problem
Model for the Magnetic Order and Pairing Channels in Fe Pnictide Superconductors
Model for twin electromagnons and magnetically induced oscillatory polarization in multiferroic RMnO$_3$
Model Hamiltonian parameters for half-metallic ferromagnets NiMnSb and CrO2
Model of charge and magnetic order formation in itinerant electron systems
Model of d-wave electron pairing in hole doped cuprate superconductors: A possible explanation for the pseudogap regime
Model of Quantum Criticality in He3 bilayers Adsorbed on graphite
Model of Strongly Correlated 2D Fermi Liquids Based on Fermion-Condensation Quantum Phase Transition
Model of the Interplay of Band J-T Effect with Magnetic Order Mediated by Exchange Interaction
Model Wavefunctions for the Collective Modes and the Magneto-roton Theory of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect