Scale invariant forces in 1d shuffled lattices
Scale Invariant Fractal and Slow Dynamics in Nucleation and Growth Processes
Scale invariant thermodynamics of a toroidally trapped Bose gas
Scale separation in granular packings: stress plateaus and fluctuations
Scale-free coordination number disorder and multifractal size disorder in weighted planar stochastic lattice
Scale-free dynamics emerging from information transfer
Scale-free energy dissipation and dynamic phase transition in stochastic sandpiles
Scale-free Network in Financial Correlations
Scale-free network on a vertical plane
Scale-free Network on Euclidean Space Optimized by Rewiring of Links
Scale-free network topology and multifractality in weighted planar stochastic lattice
Scale-free networks as preasymptotic regimes of superlinear preferential attachment
Scale-free networks embedded in fractal space
Scale-free Networks from Optimal Design
Scale-Free Networks Generated By Random Walkers
Scale-free networks with an exponent less than two
Scale-free networks without growth
Scale-free patterns at a saddle-node bifurcation in a stochastic system
Scale-free trees: the skeletons of complex networks
Scale-freeness for networks as a degenerate ground state: A Hamiltonian formulation