Sandpiles with height restrictions
Sarma Phase in Trapped Unbalanced Fermi Gases
Satisfying the fluctuation theorem in free energy calculations with Hamiltonian replica exchange
Saturation of Electrostatic Potential: Exactly Solvable 2D Coulomb Models
Saturation of front propagation in a reaction-diffusion process describing plasma damage in porous low-k materials
Scalar curvature of massive ideal gases
Scale Dependent Dimension in the Forest Fire Model
Scale Free Cluster Distributions from Conserving Merging-Fragmentation Processes
Scale free networks from a Hamiltonian dynamics
Scale Free Networks from Self-Organisation
Scale free networks of earthquakes and aftershocks
Scale free property and edge state of Wilson's numerical renormalization group
Scale invariance and dynamic phase transitions in diffusion-limited reactions
Scale Invariance and Lack of Self-Averaging in Fragmentation
Scale invariance and related properties of q-Gaussian systems
Scale Invariance and Self-averaging in disordered systems
Scale Invariance and Symmetry Relationships In Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics
Scale Invariance in the Nonstationarity of Physiological Signals
Scale Invariant Avalanches: A Critical Confusion
Scale Invariant Dynamics of Surface Growth