Large-q series expansion for the ground state degeneracy of the q-state Potts antiferromagnet on the (3.12^2) lattice
Large-scale structure from superdiffusion in a driven dissipative system
Large-scale topological and dynamical properties of Internet
Largest Lyapunov exponent of long-range XY systems
Largest Schmidt eigenvalue of entangled random pure states and conductance distribution in chaotic cavities
Laser probing of atomic Cooper pairs
Laser-induced Rotation of a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate
Late periods of the condensation process
Late stage kinetics for various wicking and spreading problems
Late stages of coarsening in model C
Latent Heat Calculation of the 3D q=3, 4, and 5 Potts models by Tensor Product Variational Approach
Lateral transport of thermal capillary waves
Laterally driven interfaces in the three-dimensional Ising lattice gas
Lattice $φ^4$ theory of finite-size effects above the upper critical dimension
Lattice animals and the Percolation model under rotational constraint
Lattice animals on a staircase and Fibonacci numbers
Lattice animals on a staircase and generalized Fibonacci numbers
Lattice Boltzmann Algorithm for three-dimensional liquid crystal hydrodynamics
Lattice Boltzmann method for inhomogeneous fluids
Lattice Boltzmann method for thermal flow simulation on standard lattices