Landau dynamics of a grey soliton in a trapped condensate
Landau Expansion for the Critical Point of a Polydisperse System
Landau functions for non-interacting bosons
Landau theory of compressible magnets near a quantum critical point
Landau theory of glassy dynamics
Landau thermodynamic potential for BaTiO_3
Landau-Drude Diamagnetism: Fluctuation, Dissipation and Decoherence
Landau-Khalatnikov Circuit model for Ferroelectric Hysteresis
Landau-Khalatnikov two-fluid hydrodynamics of a trapped Bose gas
Landau-Zener problem for energies close to potential crossing points
Landau-Zener problem with waiting at the minimum gap and related quench dynamics of a many-body system
Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg effect in a model of interacting tunneling systems
Landauer formula for phonon heat conduction: relation between energy transmittance and transmission coefficient
Landauer's erasure principle in non-equilibrium systems
Landscape statistics of the low autocorrelated binary string problem
Landscapes and Fragilities
Lane-formation vs. cluster-formation in two dimensional square-shoulder systems: A genetic algorithm approach
Langevin agglomeration of nanoparticles interacting via a central potential
Langevin Approach to Fractional Diffusion Equations including Inertial Effects
Langevin Approach to Levy Flights in Fixed Potentials: Exact Results for Stationary Probability Distributions