Failure avalanches in fiber bundles for discrete load increase
Failure due to fatigue in fiber bundles and solids
Failure mechanisms and surface roughness statistics of fractured Fontainebleau sandstone
Failure of the fluctuation-dissipation relation to ensure equilibrium
Failure of the work-Hamiltonian connection for free energy calculations
Failure process of a bundle of plastic fibers
Failure Processes in Elastic Fiber Bundles
Failure properties of fiber bundle models
Failure properties of loaded fiber bundles having a lower cutoff in fiber threshold distribution
Failure regime in (1+1) dimensions in fibrous materials
Falicov-Kimball Models: A Partial Review of the Ground States Problem
Fall Rate of Sub-micron Particles and Bare Shear Viscosity: I. Diffusion Equation
Families and clustering in a natural numbers network
Families of Graphs With Chromatic Zeros Lying on Circles
Families of Graphs with W_r({G},q) Functions That Are Nonanalytic at 1/q=0
Families of Vicious Walkers
Family of additive entropy functions out of thermodynamic limit
Family of Commuting Operators for the Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process
Family of non-equilibrium statistical operators and influence of the past on the present
Family of Nonequilibrium Statistical Operators and the Influence of the Past on the Present