Universality of Ionic Criticality: Size- and Charge-Asymmetric Electrolytes
Universality of liquid dynamics
Universality of monopole mode and time evolution of a d-dimensional trapped interacting Bose gas
Universality of shear-banding instability and crystallization in sheared granular fluid
Universality of the melting curves for a wide range of interaction potentials
Universality of the Plastic Instability in Strained Amorphous Solids
Unjamming dynamics: the micromechanics of a seismic fault model
Unjamming of Granular Packings due to Local Perturbations: Stability and Decay of Displacements
Unstable Flow and Non-Monotonic Constitutive Equation of Transient Networks
Unstable topography of biphasic surfactant monolayers
Unsteady non-Newtonian hydrodynamics in granular gases
Untwisting of a cholesteric elastomer by a mechanical field
Untwisting of a Strained Cholesteric Elastomer by Disclination Loop Nucleation
Unusual Phase Behavior of Confined Heavy Water
Unusual Transition Patterns in Bose-Einstein Condensation
Unwinding dynamics of double-stranded polymers
Unwrapping of DNA-protein complexes under external stretching
Unzipping DNA by force: thermodynamics and finite size behaviour
Unzipping DNA from the condensed globule state--Effects of unraveling
Unzipping Dynamics of Long DNAs